Well, if you're here, your obviously curious who's behind this site...
or the fanfiction....or the poetry.... Maybe you want to contact one of us? Do you have something to add, or just to


likes to think of herself as the brains behind the trio, although some may dispute her on that point. She prides herself on
being the oldest by about four months, and is the official writer of the po-ems. Below is gratuitous profile-chart-thing.
Who's exited?
first and middle names: Caitlin Elizabeth
nickname: This is the intelligence screening. If you don't know the answer to this by now....
16 , "the key and crucial and natural age for a human being to be"
sign: Pisces (BD Feb. 26, send presents! ^_-)
zodiac sign: Snake (Ayame!)
Manga, writing and typical stuff
talent: Amazing spitting range
manga (and corresponding anime): Naruto!! With Getbackers second... I also love Petshop of Horrors, Fullmetal Alchemist,
Fruits Basket, Beyblade (K-chan's fault!) and most things by Watase.
characters: Naruto, Kakashi,
Ban, Ginji, Natsumi, Ed, Shigure, Hatsuharu, Uo, Hanajima, Kyo, Momiji, Kai, Daichi, Ray, Tanpopo and Frey! (hopefully y'all
know who goes with what anime/manga. ^_^;)
shonen-ai pairings: Sasuke/Naruto,
Kakashi/Iruka Ban/Ginji (so what if I'm unimaginative!), Tyson/Kai (K-chan's fault!), Hiro/Brooklyn (They need more fans,
darnit!)....... and a lot more, including many I probably wouldn't admit to nyah!
color: pink!
junk food: strawberry pocky
actual food: RAMEN!
things to dump all over food: chocolate
and garlic salt. I have yet to find any food which isn't better when eaten with one of the two!
animal: cat
cat: mine
hair: Sasuke's!

Hello all! Look at those above and below me, and make a logical guess at how old I am. ^_^ What's there
to say about me, hmm? K from Gravitation kicks ass, and Beyblade's my latest/greatest obsession.
I'm the so-called 'resident artist' of our Trio. -_-; ...Obviously I draw, and I'm always messing around with
my style. I enjoy drawing hair, but on the Internet it always turns out so badly... ;__; Hey, I write too.... but
never the long, overly descriptive novels of Minachan.
Oh, well...fuck.
I had put every anime/manga I had ever read down, but that's just TOO long a list... plus, I KNOW I forgot some. :D
So, some of my favorite anime/manga
are: Beyblade, Inuyasha,
Fruits Basket, Gravitation (I LOVE K!!), Juvenile Orion, Samurai Pizza Cats (If you've heard of this anime, I'd LOVE
to chat with you about it!), Tokyo Mew Mew, Planet Ladder, Fullmetal Alchemist, oh, and Demon
Diary. I will also
admit to have been ADDICTED to Peach Girl (hated it, but could not stop reading. Damn soap.), and at one time I was a
big Sailor Moon fangirl (Oh, who wasn't?)
For pairings, I will read almost ANYTHING. There is almost nothing
that turns me off- 'Alternate Pairings' are my greatest hobby, I'd go so far to say! ^___^
I only am an irrational shipper
for ONE pairing in all of anime, and that is Tyson/Kai (Beyblade). If they are with anyone else,
I don't want to read it. Though I DO agree with Ktin, in that I could see Rei-chan having a ONE-sided crush
on Ty-chan. (As long as it STAYS one sided)...Actually, now that I think about it, I don't like Raenef and Eclipse (Demon Diary) broken up, either...
I'm a snake in
Chinese Zodiac (AAYA!) and a Gemini. I don't believe in astrological signs, for if I did, Ktin is far "too sensitive and delicate"
for my "cutting wit and sarcasm". ;)
Contact info: Sadly, I'm the most reliable person in the trio if you want to contact (Mina is
almost constantly grounded, and if Ktin doesn't feel like answeing your mail, she'll leave it dead in her inbox and
NEVER respond.) My email is plushietyka@yahoo.com! :D

Adorable, ain't it?

Tyson: Okay, so your strong enough to blow the staduim
to bits- big deal. You and I are here to Beyblade - So let's start BEYBLADING! But there's one thing you should know-
I've got Kai on my side!

Garland: Even Kai, the ultimate lone wolf, is looking out for Tyson in his own way.



does lots and lots and lots and lots of sto-ries. Even though K-chan actually may match her with the stuff she's typed. I
swear Minachan can't stop writing. She always starts a new one for every book/anime/manga she reads/watches. She also
talks in third person. (She's typing this herself by the way.) :;)
first and middle names: Christina Elaine
Minachan has lost count of how many hybrids Minachan has created. She has made a cat/dog/bird/fox/horse/jackel/panther/tiger/wolf/cobra/wyrsa
(although you wouldn't know what that was unless you've read some of Mercedes Lackey's books ::) ) and that's just one of
them. You've no idea what this girl can think of. This is the essence of Minachan. And she has reletives in Japan (not really)
because of the Panther Tribe episode in Inu Yasha. K-chan and Ktin say that they were channeling Mina, and were wondering
if they should call Minachan to make sure that she was alive. What the other two don't know was that Minachan's
spirit left the body for a while to make the person create those fillers for that particular episode. (Just kidding... maybe.)
15 and a half. (Pout, pout, pout.) Minachan's the youngest... well... that could be a good thing.
Can it?
sign: Leo... Mina's a lion... ROAR!!!
zodiac sign: Snake (Ayame!)
Manga, reading (normal books too::D ) writing and drawing hehe... hybrids.
manga: Figure 17, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, Inu Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Fake, Gravitation... almost anything.
talent: The best cat immitation ever... hahahaha. Minachan is quiet as a cat, as stealthy, as arrogant,
as smart, as agile, as flexible... K-chan says to stop insulting the cats. CARTS ATTACK!!! Err... uh... CATS ATTACK!!!! Minachan
has really bad grammer/spelling/word-mix-ups that she constantly has to go back and fix. Tehe. ::) <-- Minachan has accidentally
did this one day and decided that she liked. So it became her funky alien sign... or at least K-chan says so.