Beyblade: G-revolution Quotes
Episode: And then there were two...
Tyson: It all comes down to this- just me and you, Kai.
Kai: Looking for me?
DJ Jazzman: Oh, man! Kai has just now arrived, but he looks
like he's been hit by a truck full of porcupines!
Tyson: So, Kai, you up for this?
Kai: Of course.
Max: This is it, Ray! The last match!
Ray: Yeah...I still say it should've been me down there,
but since it's not, I'm glad it came down to a final battle between Tyson and Kai.
Rick: Huh! Kai just threw
away a huge advantage. Ray: His code of honor would allow nothing less.
Max: That's the cool thing about Kai- as focused as he is
on beating Tyson and becoming world champion, he won't be satisfied with anything less than a fair match.
Daichi: Hey, don't worry! I'm
an expert at these all-terrain vattles! (Yellling) TYSON! Just let yourself go wild, dude! (Makes swiping motions in
air) Give 'em a little a this, and a little a that and some more of this!
Tyson: (tone sarcastic) Thanks Daichi, I'm not sure
why I didn't think of that myself. (looks at Kai) Kai!
Kai: You wanna get started, right?
Kai: I'm just getting warmed up!
Tyson: Same here, Kai!
Tyson: 'Looks like Kai's almost out of energy...
but I don't have much left myself...' (out loud) Let's go, Kai! Brad: Kai better catch
his breath quick, because Tyson's moving in for the big one! Tyson: DRAGOON GALAXY TURBO!!
Kai: I'm not out yet!
Tyson: I gotta
admit it, Kai- I didn't see that coming! But now it's my turn!
Kai: You played right into my hands- perfect!
Tyson: Is that the best you got, Kai? Kai: Not by a long shot. GO, DRANZER!
AJ: Whoa! First Tyson was knocked into the dish, now Kai
has joined the party! These two couldn't get any closer if they tried!
(K-chan: XD!!)
AJ: Looks like Kai finally woke
up! Brad: Yeah, on the wrong side of the bed, as usual.
Max: What is Kai trying to prove, anyway? All he's gonna
do is wear himself out!
Ray: There must be a method to his madness...
Max: Huh?
Ray: Kai is way too focused a player
to suddenly lose his cool during battle. He knows exactly how strong Tyson is- Kai must be absolutely sure he's still the
stronger of the two, which is why he continues to attack at full power. The real question is, does Kai know his own strength? Max: Ray?
Ray: I think I finally understand why Kai joined up
with the Blitzkrieg Boys. He knew it would lead to something he's wanted desperately - a championship match
with Tyson! This is what he's been preparing for his entire life!
(K-chan: *swoons* This is my favorite part of all time!!)
Kai's Inner Monologue: I've traveled a long road to get here, Tyson. This is my life's work. Everything
I've seen and everything I've done, it all starts and ends with you. From the first time you defeated me, I've
known it. I've watched you grow, ever since - sometimes you won, sometimes you lost, but you always perservered.
No matter how bad things got, you always looked deep inside yourself and found the strength
to continue. And when a member of the team fell, it was you who was always there to pick him back up.
When I realized I could never be like you, the only thing left was for me to defeat you! Only then would I
have complete faith in my own skill and strength. I had no choice but to find a way to win - no matter what
the cost to myself.
That's why I had to leave the team.
That's why I trained with Dranzer in the frozen tundra of Russia.
And that's why I chose Tala as my partner, when he would much rather battle solo.
I hid myself away in extreme isolation- forced to survive in the most hostile environment I could find. I gave up
everything from my old life, and dedicated myself to training in mind and body... to become the ultimate Beyblading
Sometimes things got so bad, I was ready to throw in the towel- but I just pictured you, Tyson, and it all came flooding
Kai: (Out loud, to Tyson) I learned that no matter how tall a wall stands, there's always a way to knock it down
to size!
Tyson: Alright, Kai, let's quit dancing around and get serious, shall we?