
The Trio
Fanfiction and Writings
Gallery of Doom
Anime Quotes
We Have 'Contact'!


Hello, not much to say other than...

I do not own Beyblade! And this fic is a Ty/Ka! It's a little bit wlerd, so sorry!


Kai's Pov...

As I look over the edge I feel the cold rain pour down over my body. The rain is cold just like me. My damn me and my pride. I can just imagine myself right now, a guy standing on the edge of a building, soaking wet with paint running down his face. It makes me almost want to laugh. Almost.

A person can only hold so much pain in before it leads to something like this, life sucks why live? I always wondered that when I lived in the abby...

My God, my thoughts jump around so much. Its cold too.

I wonder if Tyson has found the letter I left him... though by the time he finds it, it will be too late. It was short, sweet, and to the point. Yet, I find myself looking back at the door, part of me wishing some one would come and stop me.... preferably Tyson... no, only Tyson!

Is it because I love him? Yes, I love him! That's part of the reason I'm up here on this damn ledge looking five stories down arguing with myself! I want him so badly but I can never have him...

Life is so cruel. Sometimes, I think God is just bored and picked my life to  fuck up - and he's been doin' a damn good job at it, too!

I've been arguing with myself long enough! I better get this over with. I pick a foot up and put it over the edge.... but I heistate, damn I heistate, I turn and look back at that damn door.

God, I sure seem to be fond of the word damn right now.

Part of me is hoping my midnight blue-haired angel will run through that door and stop me. I bring my foot back down next to the other one and sigh. Can you believe it? I sigh!

Haha, today just keeps getting better and better!

I prepare to just let myself fall to my death when a voice from behind startles the hell out of me, "What, Kai, can't go through with it?"

The voice is so familar... yet so different at the same time... and to boot that statement was dripping with sarcasm.

I swing around and see Tyson leaning on the wall, under the eves and not the least bit wet. He's watching me.... I wonder how long he's been watching me?

 I watch him reach into his pocket and pull out a cigerette. He puts it in his mouth, next pulling out a lighter and lighting it.

I watch him inhale deeply, his eyes closed, fully enjoying the burning stick in his hand.

I'm stunned. I can't believe Tyson would smoke... I mean, I do, but I'm Kai, and he's happy-go-lucky Tyson.

As if he read my mind, he tells me, "I only smoke when I'm extremely stressed out." He exhaled loudly, the smoke lingering around him before disappearing. "And that is actually very often." he finished as he reached back into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled up peice of paper.

It was my letter. 

By the way he looked at me I knew it was my letter.

Not being able to look him in the eyes, I glance away. Left, right, up, down any where but his eyes. I wait for the "Why Kai, why do you want to die?" and "you don't have to do it!" and the classic "let me help you"' statements to leave his mouth but they never come but instead a sarcastic little speech that really got me,

"Well, well, well, our big bad captian Kai is actually a big bad coward."

At this, I bring my gaze to meet his iciliy glaring one... I imagine it rivals my own, and that stupid word exits my mouth without my thinking,


Tyson steps away from the wall, still staring at me.

"Rather than face your fears and problems, you run away and try and take the easy way out, wallowing in your own self misery. Well, here's a little advice - Get over yourself, Kai! Don't think that by taking your own life you're helping anyone, you selfish, stupid, ignorant bastard."

I'm so angry. How can he say that to me?! I'm about to kill myself and all he can come up with is these remarks?! If anyone is the bastard at the moment, it's him.

I don't even realize what I'm doing. I jump down from the ledge and I punch him. I punch him hard and then I do it again. I grab him by his shirt and thrust him up aganist the wall.

My mouth begins moving before I can really think about what I'm saying,


I glare at him, but he smiles and says sarcastically,

"But, dear captian, I got you to come down."

I can't help it - I let him go and I laugh. I laugh and laugh. Tyson just stands there as if he knows why I'm laughing, and hell, he should tell me too, because I don't even know why.

After I finish my laughing fit, I slide down next to him and we sit there under the eves, the rain pouring, in silence.


Well, how was that? There is gonna be another chapter, Kai hasn't confessed his love for Tyson! So, duh, there has to be another chapter!

Like it? Hate it? Review please!






Kai's Pov...

Together we sit under the eves, me soaked to the bone and cold, Tyson dry and warm and hot and... yeah. I've never seen Tyson this way before, it's like looking at him through new eyes. He looks so beautiful, I find myself starring and I don't care.

That's it! I'm gonna tell him, and if he tells me 'no' and rejects me, the ledge is still there.

"Kai," Tyson calls me...

Normal Pov..

"Kai," Tyson begins, "Don't do that again! You scared me! When I found that note, I felt like it was happening again!"

Kai looked at Tyson in suprise and decided to risk it. "What was happening again?"

Tyson looked out into the cold night. "With my mom she..she commited suicide when I was eight."

Kai's eyes widdened in shock "Your mom?"

"Yes, Kai, you have no idea how bad my life sucked before I started blading and I met you, Rei and Max, and everyone else," Kai shivered. Tyson took off his jacket and threw it to him. "Put it on, I just saved you from the cliff, I don't want you to die from a cold!" Kai smirked. "So, the question I know you've been dreading "Why". Your little note didn't really elaborate on it."

Kai looked away as Tyson uncrumpled the little slip of paper and read out loud:

Tyson, Max, Rei or whoever finds this,

I can't do it anymore forgive me guys.

Kai Hiwatari

"Care to elaborate on what you meant?" Tyson asked turning to Kai, who turned to him.

Kai was at a loss for words... he didn't know what to say...

"I..I..just was..." at that point Kai decided 'what the hell'.

Kai crushed his lips aganist Tyson's, who he expected to pull away but instead kissed back. It was a full mintue before they relized they needed air.

"I love you. Thats why, and I couldn't face the rejection." Kai said, looking away in shame.

Tyson turned Kai's face back to him and kissed him again. "Does that feel like rejection to you?"

Kai smiled "Not really..."

"ACHOO!!" Tyson sneazed," What the hell!? How come I caught the cold?"

Kai laughed and held Tyson close, kissing him again.

"What about my cold?" asked Tyson.

"I could care less as long as I have you!"


Sorry it's so short, but there will be another chapter if you all want it... if not I could end it here! If I contiune there will be hot chocolate and cuddling by the fire and some sad past revealing by both Kai and Tyson!


New chappy, or do I end it here?