Now, as the sane world knows, there is one rule you must not break... Okay, since the world has never been sane, we'll
settle for all those in relation to a young blonde boy by the name of Max Tate. Max is the nicest kid you will ever meet,
but sadly, ladies, he belongs to Rei. (Rei hugs Max protectively, hissing at the fangirls who dare get too close.)
Anyways, all those in relation to this young blond know there is one thing you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT give to
sweet little Maxie. No matter how much he begs, you must resist those puppy dog eyes...for the number one thing you can not
give Max Tate is SUGAR! Absolutely no one is ever to give the boy sugar; it's like giving anything in the near area the death
It's so scary, he...he smiles... and laughs... and destroys... and will not shut up.
It is a well known fact Max cannot have sugar, but we all know there are idiots out there who must be stupid and break
those rules that were set for very good reasons...
And so our story begins in the house of Takao Kinomiya or Tyson Granger.
“Maxie! Hey Maxie, Whatcha doing?” asked Tyson, walking up to a completely quiet and still Max.
“Being good, like Rei told me to!” answered Max, watching as Tyson sat down.
“Oh, Kai ordered me to do the same thing, but I got bored...” Tyson laughed and rolled on to his stomach. “Hey
Max...” repeated Tyson.
“What?” said Max dully, becoming bored by association.
“I found out where Rei hides the candy and sugary stuff!” Tyson told the blond, who instantly grew puppy ears
and a tail.
“I’m not telling,” said Tyson with an evil grin.
“Tyson, you meanie!” cried Max. Tyson twitched; he hated to see Max cry, but Kai had set a rule that if he
ever gave Max any sort of sugar without permission, he would be sleeping on the couch for a week.
“But Maxie, Kai set this rule-“
Max looked up, all teary eyed, “But you always said rules are meant to broken, Ty-son!” Tyson backed away as
Max advanced.
“Besides, they're not even here!” Max whined.
Tyson sighed, giving in. “All right... wait here!” He got up, leaving Max sitting on the floor, looking very
Tyson walked into the kitchen and opened a really high up cabinet. With a wary glance, he took out a false side and pulled
out a package of cookies.
Little did he know a certain blond had watched his every move...
“Max! I’ve got cookies!” called Tyson, walking up to the boy sitting, who appeared to be waiting patiently.
“Here, but you can only eat this.” Tyson handed him the cookies before walking off to go train.
Max smirked evilly to himself and made a beeline for the kitchen.
“Kai, I have this really bad feeling they did something stupid!” said Rei to the duel-haired teen next to him.
Then he added, "Again."
Kai twitched.
“You do too, don’t you?” asked Rei, paying for the groceries.
Without a word, Kai grabbed the bags and walked at a fast pace out the door of the store.
“Good idea!” agreed Rei, following him.
“Let it rip!” yelled Tyson as he pulled the rip cord on his launcher. Tyson had been practicing since
he had given Max that bag of cookies earlier. He shuddered at the thought of what Rei and Kai would do to him if they found
out that he had given Max a whole bag of cookies. On top of that he would be sleeping on the couch, and in Tyson’s
opinion that was not cool.
'Max is a little too quiet... I’m worried...' thought Tyson as he grabbed his blade and entered in to the
“Maxie, where are you?” he called.
He heard a childish laughter behind him. You know, the kind you hear in the horror movies before the monster attacks...
“Max?” called Tyson again, now running. Footsteps behind him caused him to turn...
Outside, Kai and Rei looked at each other knowingly before setting off at a full-out run towards the sound of the scream,
thinking, 'What did those idiots do now?'
Wow, it's been a while, but here’s my attempt at humor! Not very good, but I would like to know what you thought
of it! If I get 5 reviews or more (more plz.) I will continue as soon as I get them but if not I’ll do it when I want