Gift of Thanks
By K-chan
Disclaimer: I don't own SH, though the turkey tells me I do.
Summary: It's thanksgiving, and in the Winged People, it's traditional to give a present to the person your most thankful
for... Daughter/Sirius
It was autumn on Spooner Continent. The leaves turned vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. The grass turned a crackly brown.
Windy days were common now. Pumpkins and other harvest time foods were now in season. Scarecrows and leafy wreaths decorated
the neighborhood. The smell of fresh apple cider wafted from the kitchen of a small, rickety looking house.
"Thanks Daughter!" Tira, a pretty redhead, adjusted her big glasses as she bid the teal-haired winged girl goodbye. "See
you tomorrow!"
"See you." Daughter smiled from where she was hovering. Her small wings beat small puffs of air out to keep her afloat.
"Thanks again for letting me spend Thanksgiving with you!"
"Your welcome!" The redheaded woman paused, thinking she should say more.
Daughter knew why she was concerned. Tomorrow would be her first Thanksgiving without Big Momma... but the winged girl
would be okay. The world didn't need Big Momma anymore.... and she had someone special to (hopefully) spend her life with...
"Can I bring someone along?" Daughter asked with a blush.
Tira smiled knowingly. "Sure."
'Now, I just have to find Sirius...'
Meanwhile, acres away, a former Guardian Spirit was lounging on the brittle grass, his wings a blanket of white.
"What should I get Daughter for Thanks...?" the black-haired man wondered. He fidgeted with the end of his long braid.
Thanks was a holiday where you thanked the people you cared about for what they've done for you, and celebrated the gifts
from the earth. The Winged People were never really creative with names, but their hearts were always in the right place.
Sirius had been completely alone since her was a small child, and his people... he cut himself off that thought train.
It was no use living in the past. The Winged man wasted 18 years of his life in mourning. Only Daughter was able to shock
him out of it.
"Daughter has done so much for me..." he mumbled, untying the braid. "What would she like?"
The answer came instantly to mind- a stuffed toy. He had seen lovers on the streets give and receive bears of multiple
colors. Sirius shook his dark head at the thought. She loved cute things, but she already had many, many stuffed bears. Jewelry
was the man's second choice, but that idea seemed so... common, so typically human that he was disgusted at himself.
The literal lovebirds talked about many things, but never what they might like as a gift... that just didn't appear to
be done how she was raised.
Sirius cursed, sitting up. The long river of ink slid over his shoulders, running down his back in a black waterfall.
'Perhaps one of Daughter's friends will know what to give her... ' The black-haired man shook the dry strands of grass
out of his hair. 'It has to be better than sitting around and shooting down my own ideas.' He braided up his hair again and
took flight.
Flying above the autumn-colored trees, Daughter's bright gold eyes searched for Sirius of the Wind. 'Where would he be...?'
she searched her mind for any places that the dark-haired man might be. 'Maybe I ask someone...?'
If anyone would have an idea, the Eastern Magic User Marron would know. Daughter veered that way.
That was the exact place Sirius of the wind thought to go. As he touched down at the well-kept house, the black-haired man
heard a cry of,
Gateau jumped up, bulging muscles flexing.
"Mr. Gateau?" Sirius asked politely.
"Marron, yer a angel!!" the drunken man swayed slightly, reaching out and pulling on Sirius's wing.
The captured man coughed slightly. "Where is, uh, not-angel Marron?"
Gateau's forehead creased as he tried to process that information. "He's... a' 'is Big Brotheries's" The intoxicated Gateau
tried to clap his hands, but missed. "Help'n out wif Thanksgivin' dinner!"
Sirius tilted his dark head. "Thanksgiving?" A cliché lightbulb flashed over his head. "Oh, Thanks!" he realized.
"Yer welcum." Gateau said, mistaking the name of the Winged People holiday for a thank you.
"Um, Mr. Gateau," Sirius paused. Should he ask...? "If you wanted to get a girl a Thanks present, what would you give her?"
"Avview o' my beau-ti-ful bod, o' course!"
"Um, nevermind."
As Sirius was about to take off, Daughter landed.
"Sirius!" she cried happy to see him.
"Oh, uh, Daughter!" The winged man glanced nervously at the drunken Gateau. He hoped the uninhibited man wouldn't spill
his question to her.
"Sirius, every year today we have a dinner that, uh, everybody goes to." She fidgeted with the hem of her dress. "And so,
uh, I was wondering if you'd like to come?"
The muscle-bound exhibitionist was saying something in the background. Sirius paid him no mind, as he was too busy looking
deep into Daughter's eyes. "I would love to." He replied, taking her hand in his.
"AWW!!" The blond was overwhelmed with the emotion in the tender scene and alcohol. "Tha's beau-ti-ful!!" he paused. "Jus'
like my mucles!"
"What happened to him?" The teal-haired girl asked curiously.
"I'm not sure..."
"I's trad-I-shenal to drink lot'sa beer on Thanksgivin'!"
Sirius stared at Daughter with raised brows.
"After dinner..." she explained, sweating.
The evening sun was setting on the Glace household. Standing around the dinner table, Daughter could feel Sirius's nervousness.
It was a tradition to tell the things they were thankful for before eating, while holding hands around the table stacked with
food. Daughter stood, in the author's opinion, the best spot, between Sirius and Marron. The eastern magician was telling
how he was thankful that his big brother was alive and safe.
"Daughter?" Chocolat questioned across from her.
"Oh!" The spaced-out girl blushed. "Yeah... I'm thankful for all my friends-"
"-and that I'm able to spend this Thanksgiving with all of you."
The back of Sirius's neck was wet with sweat. He ended up getting a locket for Daughter, despite his efforts. By locket
standards, it was lovely, a silver heart with winged designs. You could put a picture in it, if you wanted to.
"What are you thankful for, Sirius?"
"Daughter." The word spilled from his mouth unbidden. "She is very, very important to me, and has changed me forever. I
would be very lonely and angry person without her." The words seemed more fitting to a proposal or a lover's promise, but
Sirius didn't care. He looked around the table. "I am thankful for you all too, for if you weren't around, Daughter and I
would not have met as we did." He bowed, still holding hands with daughter and Tira on his left.
"What a load of-" Carrot started to mumble. Sirius sent him a death-glare that was before only used on Hashim, the advisor
sent by Lord Sacher when the winged man still worked for him. Fire crackled in the background. "-power! Those words are so
inspiring!" Carrot finished transparently.
Tira finished the circle, and the bizarre group dug into the feast. Potatoes of many kinds, a turkey and a ham, cooked
yams, cranberry sauce and egg rolls, foods of all kinds from all the places the Sorcerer Hunters had been to decorated the
older Glace's table.
"Pass the salt," asked Marron and Carrot's father, Onion to their newly reborn mother, Apricot.
Sitting beside Sirius, Daughter advised, "Try the cider." Sirius nodded, catching her eager tone, and got a mug. His eyes
"This is very good!"
The winged man was rewarded with seeing her blush at his statement. "Thanks, I made it myself."
Her gratitude reminded Sirius of his gift. "This is my first quote-unquote Thanksgiving." He explained, his face reddening.
He pulled out a nicely wrapped box. "but the Winged People have a tradition similar where we thank the earth for the harvest
and the people we care about most for being with us." The dark-haired man fiddled with the present. "We usually have a big
festival for the harvest and give gifts to the ones we care about."
"You got me a present?" the teal-haired girl said loudly.
He shook his head affirmative, his bangs falling down to hide his bright gold eyes. Without saying a thing, he held out
the box.
Daughter opened it with a gasp. "Oh..." she breathed quietly.
Sirius mistook it for disappointment. "I didn't know what to get, so I tried asking your friends, but I couldn't get a
hold of them." He didn't meet her eyes.
"Thank you so much Sirius." She said, catching his hand. "I-"
"Cut the crap!" Carrot interrupted the tender scene and was promptly hit on the head by his wife.
"Brother!" Marron asked worriedly to his brother, who was currently underneath a large rock.
Redheaded Chocolat leaned over the food and called, "I want to see you two make a baby!"
"Chocolat!" Tira admonished.
"Pass the yams!"
Sirius and Daughter ignored the mayhem and ruckus going on in their usual way, by staring lovingly into eachother's eyes.
They had found the best gift of all...
A/N: AWW! So cute! Daughter and Sirius need more fanfics, and I am happy to oblige! Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!