Gomen nasai to anyone who may have read the original posting of this story! (Dif. title) I was
feeling impulsive like Serenity here, (I'd actually gotten up to five crappy chapters on Word) and that was probably my worst
work of last year. The writing was... in one word, 'awful', two words, 'utter crap'... I'm so sorry! ;.;
By: Kerichi
Serenity Wheeler was an unusual, unusual girl. She herself would profess to anyone that asked that she was
flat-out... different than most. Lurking behind her guileless smile were the strangest of ideas... No mental disorder explained
the disorganized thought pattern of hers, nor the way absurd, completely random ideas would latch onto her mind, dominating
her awareness. Even as the redhead pleaded with Seto Kaiba to land the blimp, a nagging doubt, suspicion pulled at
her attention...
Serenity was simply...
'There's no way, no way,' an inane inner voice argued, and she found herself forced to agree.
The odds were simply not in his favor. 'It would be just a quick thing...' the voice of irrational reasoning persuaded,
'No one would ever know...' Oh my. That sounded rather naughty, put like that...
Yet Serenity also felt a sense of duty; as it was obvious her brother and his friends accepted without question.
Only she, with her uniqueness, and inherit Wheeler boldness would dare put this to the test! The situation was ideal
for her to make her move- All the group but her had rushed upward to the top of Kaiba's tower, ready to defeat Marik. The
Wheeler girl had preferred to stay at the blimp, with an unconscious Mai, the medical staff and him, or so she had
He, this mysterious "boy", whose injuries had almost put the tournament on hold, was called "Bakura". Even
asleep, there was something off about him... Not that he radiated any sort of evil, per say, but rather...
He was just femmy.
Long, spiky platinum-blonde hair framing a sweet, sort-of boyish-looking face, Bakura Ryou was petite and
lithe, and honestly, if her protective brother hadn't monitored their first meeting, Serenity would have simply broken the
rules, climbed up on the dueling platform, and asked him if he were a girl. The redhead just had to bite back curiosity that
would make Pandora green with envy. And Serenity herself felt a little jealous- they thought him a boy, yet he was prettier
than she probably ever would be.
Slipping into the sick man's room with ease, she stealthily approached the bed. Taking the hem of his blue-and-white
striped shirt, she slowly lifted it up and peeked under...
"Damn it!" she muttered. No boobs. Well, there goes her fun!
"That's... disappointing." Serenity remarked casually, as if it were every day she snuck into boys'
rooms and checked to make sure they weren't actually cross-dressing women. Milk chocolate eyes roamed over a sadly, flat chest
once more, almost regretful that she hadn't discovered something, thus being able to blackmail Bakura for all she would have
been worth.
Serenity let the fabric fall, and froze. Two very large, very confused, very back-from-the-Shadow-realm
brown eyes stared back at her.
"Wha-?" he sort of-squeaked.
...It was dark... Bakura felt himself suspended above a great abyss. The sand seemed to be running out
above him and he was under the threat of suffocation by the merciless grains. The panic stage had abandoned him, leaving the
young man weary and resigned to his fate, his cheek pressed against the cool glass. Thelightoneknew Yami Bakura would
get him sent here eventually.
Then there was a light, pulling them all out of the darkness, and Bakura felt the hourglass dissipate around
him, and he was yanked away from his misery into painful consciousness...
When Bakura Ryou opened his chocolate brown eyes to the world, he met not the worried faces of his friends
or family, but the bland white ceiling of the Kaiba-blimp's hospital ward. His brain sluggishly cranked it's motor, and he
began to focus- Where was he? Where was everyone else? The familiar drum of a headache was forming, as he shivered ...and
why was the room so drafty?
It cost the flustered youth another minute to realize his chest was bare... Someone had his shirt up? A doctor?
Craning his neck, he tried to make out who. The blue and white sailor-striped fabric dropped and –surprise, surprise-
Bakura found himself facing not the face of a pleasantly-lined nurse, but... the brown eyes of a strange girl his
own age.
"Wha-?" Bakura asked in a strangled tone.
"Crap." The girl snapped her fingers, looking slightly... irritated, but not the least embarrassed. His jaw
dropped. "Oh, uh..." The redhead stared at him as though Bakura was the crazy person in the situation. "I'm Serenity,
and... well... I was really bored and I –" Her words suddenly became jumbled as she now blushed alight pink."-hadtocheckifyouwereagirl."
That... made so much sense... all Bakura could respond was with another not-quite-word, this onemore
loud and confused, "Huh?"
"Um, I gotta go now... bye!" Then the redhead dashed out, leaving Bakura coughing from her dust. Wincing at
the sharp pain that echoed through his arm, he rubbed it ruefully. The pain had dulled slightly, and wasn't as bad as upon
the platform, praise the gods.
At least that girl was gone... for now...
Nyah, finnis!
Thank you very much those who reviewed my other fic despite it being the sort of weird crap that fills the
archives of FF (dot) net... not that this redo isn't weird, but yah... I hope it's better...