Hyojin, thanks to you I am inspired to write another fanfic! I was thinking of a scenario where I could make Tae play
with Ga-Woon's lovely, gorgeous, wonderful, spiffy, awesome hair, and you mentioning them watching a movie together in your
fic- Even if you did quit that fic...Thankies!
Forgive me for any mistakes, I only own volume one of Kill Me, Kiss Me, the lovely series I do not own despite
my wishes.
Title: I Just Can't Help Myself...
Summary: Tae/Ga-Woon – Tae and her boyfriend spend some quality time together... but Tae's having problems resisting
the allure of...
'Sometimes the ability to pass as a guy is helpful...'
Tae reflected, curled up on the couch of gang leader Ga-Woon Kim. His aristocratic, conservative parents would never agree
to their precious son watching a monster movie marathon with an evil temptress/slut, for that was what all high school girls
obviously were. Even more obvious was the fact that each and every one of these sluts wanted their son to ravage and steal
his inheritance.
Though their opinion of most teen girls was horribly skewed, they had good reason for worrying about their son. Ga-Woon
Kim was horribly handsome, in a rough-and-tumble way. The bad boy always seemed to be sporting some scratch from his fights.
His dark, tousled hair tempted Tae to just sink her hands in and...
Ga-Woon, on the other hand, sat riveted by the mindless violence on the glowing screen, unaware of his girlfriend's growing
After glancing at the door to the living room they were currently occupying, Tae slowly touched on of the dark spikes of
her boyfriend's hair. Ga-Woon, attention still focused on the demon devouring the squealing woman, jerked his head slightly
but did nothing else. Tae quickly put her hands in her lap and stared at the television. Soon the girl's eyelids began to
droop and she propped an elbow on the back of the couch. Her hand, as if by its own will, floated toward the messy, wild black
Her fingers met with the inky locks, and she amused herself with flicking the stands on the back of his head back and forth,
curling the pieces that always stuck out in random directions around the digits, and generally enjoying the silky texture.
It was only when her fingertips – she had no nails to speak of because of her nervous habit of chewing them- brushed
up against the back of his neck that he shivered and finally tore his beautiful blue eyes away.
He lifted a brow and his lips curved as he questioned, "What're ya doin'?"
Caught in the act, Tae could only give Ga-Woon a sheepish smile and explain, "I just can't help myself... your hair is
so... and 'The Monster Who Devoured Livers' just doesn’t hold the same appeal to me as it does to you."
Ga-Woon snorted at her sarcastic rendition of the title of 'DEVOURER', the movie currently showing on the TV. "And playin'
with my hair is more appealin'?"
Tae winked, fingering one of the soft spikes. "Yeah! I love your hair!"
Now the skeptic youth grunted. "Kun's is better," he stated, remembering the long-haired youth's sophisticated style. He
knew he could never compare- that was why he always lost the girl, he supposed... before Tae...
She shook her head, leaning close to emphasize, "No his isn't! Yours is all spiky and!" She blinked, trying to describe
it, "and it always falls into your eyes and-"
He smirked, moving closer and putting an arm around her small shoulders. "You like that?"
She bobbed her head, reverting to chibi-form in eagerness to get Ga-Woon to see how attractive he was to her. Her soft
pink cheeks turned a bright red as the gorgeous male drew her close. Tae returned to normal as the windswept dark-haired teen
whispered huskily, "I'm glad."
He softly touched his lips to hers in what started as a tender kiss. Her lips parted in a small moan and Ga-Woon took the
opportunity to explore her mouth a little more. She threaded her hands in his sexy hair as he slid his own down her back,
where they fiddled with the edge of her shirt. He brushed a thumb across the exposed skin and broke the kiss to press his
lips on the side of her mouth in a surprisingly chaste kiss before nipping at her neck. Little bite marks lined the smooth
column of her skin. Tae let out little gasps of surprise at each nip. Finally finding a spot he liked, Ga-Woon concentrated
on sucking it. Tae sighed; He drew back quickly, growling curses. The dazed girl blinked lazily up at the strong male.
"Remember where we are." He explained with a dirty glance at the door. Tae broke away and pouted, pink chibi cheeks puffed
out in irritation.
Upstairs in the master bedroom, Mrs. Kim reread her parenting books as Mr. Kim stared bug eyed at the scene the security
camera displayed upon their big-screen TV. Flipping through 'Your Child's Sexuality And You', Ga-Woon's mother let out a huff
of indignation as she read for the fifth time that trying to force your child on the opposite sex could permanently scar them
for life and in fact work backwards, increasing their attraction for the same sex more. The man of the house let out a small
barking laugh at the event happening on the screen.
"This is not funny!" his wife protested shrilly.
"He seems to be more mature around this young... man..." he said consolingly to his wofe, who upon hearing the words promptly
burst into tears and trilled,
"I want my baby to like GIRLS!"
Downstairs, as Ga-Woon returned to his mindless, television-inspired state, Tae toyed with his hair some more.
Yay! Finished! Ga-Woon's sexy hair! I blushed when I wrote the kiss scene! Didja like it? Tell me how I can improve!
I don’t know... I could develop this into a series later, with Ga-Woon's parents getting the psycho idea that
getting a girlfriend will help him settle down, unknowing that he has started to soften because of Tae. They could push some
really obnoxious girl onto the couple, forcing them to sneak around. Jung-Woo could be feeling the repercussions when everyone
thinks he's queer...Actually, I'm working on it!
If anyone wants to take the idea, I'd love to read it! K2 fiction needs to grow beyond the whole 'New-girl-comes-and-attracts-Jung-Woo-Kun-or-Ga-Woon-or-all-three-thing'.
I'm an Inuyasha and a Harry Potter fan, and that gets real old, real fast... how many new girls from the future have fallen
down the well? How many new girls from America have been transferred to Hogwarts?