Disclaimer: Ryoku123 does not own any characters in Naruto, and is making no money off this fanfiction.
Warning: This story contains male/male relationships, and if that offends you in any way, we encourage you
to take your reading elsewhere. This story is also 'M' for 'Mature themes', and again, if you aren’t into hardcore
yaoi, we hope you find some nice, light shonen-ai or het. fic that will better suit your tastes.
To Love a Demon
Chapter one: The Shocker
“Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit.” The frog alarm clock started going berserk as the time to which it was set appeared.
A tan hand reached up, grabbed the frog and chucked it at the wall. The owner of the hand rolled over-and fell right out of
bed. The thud was heard throughout the empty apartment. Suddenly a knock resounded through the house.
“Naruto! It’s Sakura. You awake?” a voice called through the front door.
The said boy groaned and pulled himself up off the floor.
“Be there in a sec!” the groggy boy called. He pulled on a shirt, not caring that it clung to his lean form,
only that it was orange. After pulling on a pair of baggy black pants, he walked to the door, opened it and quickly stepped
out, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey, Sakura-chan.” Said Naruto plastering a smile on his whiskered face.
“Uhh…. What’s with the new clothes?” asked Sakura looking at the clingy shirt.
“Well, my jumper got shredded on our last mission, if you remember, so Iruka-sensei bought me some new clothes.”
“Oh.” Stated a rather dazed Sakura at the kind-of lengthy explanation. Snapping back to reality, she told Naruto
that they were meeting up with Sasuke and going to eat breakfast with Kakashi and Iruka.
“Why?” asked Naruto, looking slightly puzzled.
“Why what?”
“Why is Iruka-sensei coming?” explained Naruto, rolling his cerulean eyes.
“I don’t know. We’ll find out when we get there.”
“Yeah, I guess we will. Lets go.”
They met up with Sasuke, who couldn’t stop staring at Naruto’s new clothing and went to a restaurant that Naruto
had never been let into. The said boy stopped a couple of feet away from the door. Sakura walked right in without noticing
her companions hesitation. Sasuke, however, noticed and stopped right beside the boy.
“What’s wrong, dobe?” asked the dark haired teen.
“I can’t go in there. The owners won’t let me.” Muttered Naruto averting his eyes from the piercing
gaze of his companion, “tell Iruka I’ll just wait outside.”
Sasuke looked harder at his friend before sighing in what he wanted to sound like agitation, but ended up sounding like
“Come on, dobe. As long as you’re with me, nobody will bother you.”
“You promise?” questioned Naruto shyly looking up at the dark haired teen.
“What do you mean promise?” a light blush staining Sasuke’s cheeks.
“Never mind.” Muttered Naruto turning his head away before bringing it back up and smiling at the other boy,
his mask back in place, “Let’s get inside. Sakura’s probably wondering where we are.”
Sasuke gave him one more piercing gaze before nodding and walking into the restaurant, Naruto following suit. The owner
started to protest and Naruto flinched and looked at the floor. Sasuke saw this and gave the owner a fierce glare, before
grabbing Naruto’s hand and dragging him to a table in the corner of the room where the rest of the group sat. He pulled
a chair out, motioning for Naruto to sit. The boy sat obediently and Sasuke took a seat next to him.
Kakashi looked at the two for a minute, Naruto averting his gaze with his face tinted red, and Sasuke trying hard to keep
his emotionless mask in place. A smirk graced Kakashi’s masked mouth before he motioned for Iruka to begin speaking.
“The reason we called you guys here was because there was some important news we thought you should know.”
“And that is?” asked Sakura looking closely at her old Sensei.
Iruka smiled and replied: “Kakashi has a neice.”
END: chapter 1
Chapter 2: Ryoku
Naruto's jaw damn near hit the floor, Sasuke's cold mask faltered, and Sakura looked like she was going to faint. They
had been ready for anything but that.
"H-how? Wh-when?" stuttered Naruto.
Kakashi decided to answer that particular question. "My brother married the love of his life sixteen years ago. A year
later they had a daughter who they named Ryoku. When my niece was young, her parents were killed and I wasn’t able to
find her...until about two weeks ago when she came to me."
During this whole explanation Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's eyes got bigger and bigger.
A scream was heard outside and Kakashi smiled.
"She's here." said Iruka as Kakashi stood up to greet his niece.
The three teammates turned in their chairs to see what this 'Ryoku' looked like. Sakura gasped and this time did faint,
because the figure striding toward them couldn't possibly be human.
"Konbanwa, Oji-chan!" called the girl in a husky voice. She gave Kakashi and Iruka hugs and sat beside them, folding her
wings behind her.
"What are you?" blurted Naruto, voicing the thought that was running through Sasuke's mind. Before Ryoku could say
anything, Sakura moaned and came to. She saw the girl sitting in front of her and started stuttering out apologies.
"It's okay," said Ryoku, giving the girl a small smile before continuing, "As I was about to explain, I am a Neko-hanyou,
half cat-demon, half human- and the first and last of my kind."
They didn't doubt her. In the chair sat a beautiful but fierce creature. She had floor-length golden hair that was pulled
back in a tight braid, with her forelocks left hanging. She had golden cat ears tipped with silver on top or her head. A bushy
tail of the same coloring tapped the floor.
Two giant, mismatched wings towered over her head, and if the girl stood, they were sure the appendages would be scarping
the ground. Two inches of black claw tipped each finger, and full black lips were curved in something not quite a smile. Her
pale skin set off the bight silver eyes that assessed the three teens before her.
"Uhhh, so Ryoku, do you want to tell us a little about your...family, then?" asked Sakura, forgetting the hanyou's
tragic history.
"Well, sure! Let me see..." Those deadly black nails now tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How did it go? Oh yeah! It was
the day of my fourth birthday... I woke up, went to get flowers for my mum- I was such a little girly-girl –
and when I came back, my village was in ruins! I found my mother and father in our house, their hearts ripped out.
"Their murderer was still there, and he tried to kill me too! Thanks to which, I now have a scar from my shoulder to my
waist... I'd show you, but I wouldn't want the human to faint again." Throughout the whole explanation her eyes were
like the hardest silver money can buy. The smile on her face implied anything but kindness...in fact, it made her look more
deadly than already appeared. "Is that suitable for you?"
"I-I'm so sor-" started a shocked Sakura but she was stopped with harsh words from the hanyou.
"I don’t need your sympathy, human. I can't stand it; it makes me sick to my stomach." Cold silver eyes slimmed
with controlled anger. "If this is over, I'll be going, Oji-chan. I'll see you later."
Ryoku stood, said her polite goodbyes and left the restaurant owner as she passed, who in turn could only flinch.
"Well, that went over better than I thought it would..." said Kakashi cheerfully, rising to his feet as well.
"I agree." added Iruka.
"Shall we got then?" asked Kakashi, wrapping his arm around his companion's waist and giving it a squeeze.
"We shall." Replied Iruka, breath hitching at the affectionate gesture. "See you kids later."
The two hurried out, their eagerness something to be remarked upon.
"Well, I'd better go too. Mum wants to go shopping and I said would go too... See you later!" Sakura, surprisingly, didn't
look that disappointed to be losing an opportunity to spend legitimate time with Sasuke... maybe she had given up and
found someone else? Waving goodbye to the two that remained, she also exited the restaurant.
Naruto and Sasuke sat frozen, thinking of what to say... finally, after five agonizing minutes, Sasuke broke the silence
with, "Hey, Naruto, do you want something to eat?"
"Huh? Oh! Uh, no! I-I better go... I got somethings to do... I’ll talk to you later, bye!" The flustered boy shot
to his feet.
"Thanks anyways!" he called as he left, avoiding the restaurant proprietor on his way out.
Sasuke sighed, got up, and gave the fiercely sweating owner one final dark glare. The owner was sweating from the glares,
confused (Didn't everyone hate the fox-boy? Why were they so defensive about him?) and self-righteously peeved, as no one
bought anything! But he knew better than to complain to the leaving Uchiha.
The next day...
"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke questioned as he walked up to Sakura and Kakashi, who were surprisingly already waiting for him
at the training grounds.
"I think he's still at his house. He told me his alarm clock broke and he didn't have enough money to buy a new one, let
alone fix it."
"Why didn't you wake him up then?" Sasuke snapped, strangely annoyed.
"I forgot to. Could you go get him?"
"Wha-! Why me!"
"Because, I'm telling you to." said Kakashi, a strange twinkle in his eye.
Finally, after five more minutes of arguing, Sasuke found himself walking to Naruto's apartment. When he reached the door,
he knocked once, sharply. After receiving no response, he tried the door, finding it unlocked. 'He should really learn
to lock his door.' thought Sasuke as he walked in and went to Naruto's room. What he saw made him stop dead.
Naruto was laying in a bed with nothing on but a pair or black boxers. One arm was underneath his head, whole the other
was rested on his tanned, muscular stomach. Remembering why he was there, he strode to the sleeping boy's bed and shook him,
hoping to get some response... The response he got was not what he expected, however.
The sleeping boy grabbed his shirt, pulling him down into the bed with him, wrapping his arms around Sasuke's waist and
pressing his body against the dark-haired boy's. Sasuke lay there for a moment, wondering why the hell wasn't he pushing Narutp
off him, when he heard "Mmm, strawberries," and felt Naruto snuggle closer.
'Why ain't I pushing him away! This is so wrong! But...then why does it feel so right, so good?' the now blushing
Uchiha thought.
Finding his voice, he told Naruto to wake up. The boy didn't stir a muscle.
Sasuke found Naruto's hands loose enough to roll over and that's just what he did. He looked into the sleeping boy's face,
reaching up to brush away some golden locks that had fallen into that peaceful face. Sasuke smiled slightly as Naruto's face
scrunched up at the touch of the raven-haired boy.
Dismissing all thoughts of training he was supposed to be doing and the fact that his mind was screeching perverted thoughts
of him, Sasuke wrapped his arm around the lean boy's waist, giving it a squeeze to bring Naruto closer. He snuggled his head
underneath Naruto's chin, taking in the scent of ramen and evergreen forests.
For the first time since the massacre of his clan, Sasuke fell into a peaceful sleep.
Back at the training grounds.
"Where are they!" roared Sakura, throwing a kunai at an unsuspecting tree that had the misfortune of being in her direct
line of vision.
"Calm down. I'm going to cancel training today, and I'll look for the boys." Soothed Kakashi. Giving no verbal response,
Sakura stormed off to her home for some much needed beauty sleep.
Kakashi disappeared and reappeared in Naruto's tiny apartment. Smiling at what he was, he walked over to where the sleeping
boys lay and covered them up. Looking down on the two, he smiled once more before leaving for Iruka's house.
Author Notes: This chappie is going to be Naruto's dream. Sasuke's too. (griiiin) Here’s where the rating
earns its 'M'... (evil laugh) Beware, little kiddies!
Chapter 3: Dreams
Naruto's Dream
"How have you been, koukou?" a voice rumbled from the darkness.
Blue eyes slowly opened and met fiery red.
"Kyuubi?" a single word uttered by Naruto sent a blinding white light through the pitch-blackness, illuminating a good
half of the room-like place. Naruto felt a furry tail wrap around his waist and pull him close to the warm body of the Kyuubi.
The blond looked up at the fox demon who had been sealed within him since birth.
"What do you want? You rarely ever come see me, unless you want something."
"I just wanted to see how you were. You have been so confused lately... would you tell me what's wrong?"
"Do you really want to know?" asked Naruto, giving Kyuubi a piercing look.
"Yes, I would like to know. It...annoys me when you do not tell me things."
"Whatever. I don't believe you, but I'll tell you anyway... I think I'm in love with Sasuke." Naruto had mumbled the last
part, but Kyuubi heard it all the same.
"Koukou, how do you feel when you're around this... boy?"prodded the giant fox, liking at the boy who had curled
up in her tails.
"I...I get really nervous, and my heart starts to beat really fast when he's looking at me, and..." the boy confessed,
now blushing an impossible red. "...and I sort of like that feeling."
"Would you be willing to give your life for this child?" Kyuubi now questioned, in her way helping the boy to realize
the nature of his feelings.
Narutp thought for a minute before giving his answer, "Yes."
"Then, my child, I believe you to love him. One only gives their life for those they love most."
The boy looked at the fox for a long time before asking, "If you had your own body, would you give your life to protect
"Yes, I would."
"Really? Who?" asked Naruto, now curious.
"I would give my life up for you."
Naruto just stared.
"Let us continue this conversation at another time, Koukou."
"...What do you mean?"
"There's something that's going to surprise you, I am sure, when you awaken."
"What do you mean!" Naruto's query was sharper now.
"All shall be understood when you wake." Kyuubi stated mysteriously, her image fading.
"Wait! Don’t go!"
"Wake up. I shall visit you the next time you slumber."
Before Naruto could day anything more, he was jerked awake.
Sasuke's Dream: First person
I hear sobbing echoing throughout this dark room I'm trapped in. I turn around and there's a faint light in the corner-
I walk towards that light and I see Naruto there.
"Oi, dobe. Why are you crying?" I ask, kneeling down next to him.
"Because I'm alone. Nobody cares about me!" he sobs, looking up at me with teary cerulean eyes.
"That's a lie. There is someone who cares about you." I say with surprising ease.
"You're wrong! Everybody hates me! All because of a fox demon that's-" Naruto trails off, crying again.
I look him over once more before pulling his face towards mine, doing the unthinkable; I kiss him. When I pull back, I
see shock in his eyes... at least he isn't crying anymore.
Licking away the tears, I tell him softly, "No, I'm right; I care about you and I always will"
"You promise?" asks Naruto, looking up at me with a bright blush staining his tan cheeks. This sounds familiar, but instead
of asking what he means, I simply nod, smirking slightly. He whoops and tackles me, snuggling me as we fall to the ground.
I look down at the blond giggling mass before me, and my smirk widening, I flip over so that I'm effectively straddling
him. He stare's up at me, his blush coming back full force as it dawns on him what's going to happen. I lean down and give
him a gentle kiss.
Tentatively, I open my mouth and let my tongue run across his lower lip, begging for entrance. Naruto moans, opening his
mouth, which I promptly take advantage of. I delve my tongue into his mouth, running it along every crevice, tasting every
part of him. I'm really starting to like ramen. I break the kiss, choosing to lick and suck my way down his neck, as I unzip
his jumper. I run my hands down his chest and all the way to his waist.
Stopping with the feather-light kisses, I sit up and pull off my shirt and pants. I straddle him once again, this time
bringing my erection in contact with his, and I start grinding against him. He grabs onto my waist, and starts moving in time
with me, small mewls of pleasure escaping those bruised lips. Far too soon, I think, I start to climax. Before that wave of
ecstasy can hit...
I feel myself fall over and fall right off the bed.
Ryoku: Hoped you liked this chappie, it's one of my favorites. :D