Ryuujin's notes: Yay, mysecond TMM fanfic! I did my first under another name... 'Kerichi', if you're interested
in tracking me down. Though this one-shot was first born through RP-ing, I tried really hard not to let it's script-format
roots show. Tell me how I did, will you?
Yes, the topic is rather cliché, but it's all fun!
Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear, this is for you! KishxIchigo forever!
By The Ryuujin
A brand-new, pink frills-and-hearts-covered phone on a green bedside table rang once, twice, three times before a hand
weakly slid out of the lump of covers and pulled it from the receiver. Drawing it back into her cocoon of warmth, Ichigo Momomiya
croaked out, "Moshi-moshi..."
"Ichigo, Ryou is making me clear tables." over the line came the sharp, biting tone of Mint Aizawa, a fellow Mew Mew. "You
will come to work today or else."
The leader of the Mew Mews let the phone drop onto the pink folds of her comforter, rubbing her aching temples. Groggily,
the pink-headed Ichigo protested without picking up the phone, "But... I'm tired..." A sharp pang rolled through her head,
blocking out Mint's crisp response. "Ugh...Tell him I've got a headache, and I don't feel well." Specifically, she felt like
someone was ramming a nail into her head, but that wasn't the point. "Just... tell Ryou I'm sick."
Now not even bothering to listen to her sarcastic friend, Ichigo's hand emerged and put the phone back in the holder again.
Two seconds passed in blissful silence, before the phone's sharp ring sliced through Ichigo's head again. She picked up the
phone and slammed it down. It didn't ring again.
In her pink nest of warmth, chocolate eyes closed once again, the tired Mew-mew ready to tuck in for the rest of the day.
Her parents had allowed her to stay home from school despite them both having things to do today, and therefore, the cat-mew
obviously couldn't be expected to go to work herself, of all stressful tortures. For some reason, Ichigo felt really, really
"Hey-ya, Ichigo!" a far too-bright, too-teasing, and too-dang-familiar voice shattered the peaceful, precious quiet.
Beneath her covers, Ichigo let out a muffled frustrated shriek. She could practically feel him, floating around
her room and making such swishing noise!
Wickedly amused laughter cut another path across her mind, though it wasn't entirely unpleasant. But Ichigo would never
tell Kish, alien, enemy and all-time pest (and flirt) that.
"Wake up!" the green-haired alien said, voice still carrying the effects of mirth. Then, to the mew's ultimate irritation,
he stood upon the pink lump of covers that surrounded her! Well, not 'stood' in that he placed his entire weight upon her
back, but rather put his feet down, still mostly floating.
In her mind, she imagined him bending over, and-
Kish prodded her in the area her head was located.
Enough was enough.
"Go'way!" she commanded hoarsely in tone subdued by the layer of covers.
"Nope, sorry Kitten, but I can't!" the golden-eyed teen said playfully, his voice suddenly dropping lower than usual. "Unless
you want to die..." Threatening her life... that was new. It's not like he did that every time they met in battle.
Tightening her hold on her blanket, Ichigo's response was a sour and gravelly, "Death might be better than how I feel now!"
The pressure of his feet was gone, followed by some swishing as he floated through the air, immune to the pull of gravity.
The pink cat could now feel him tugging at the warm bed sheets.
"Not the kind Pai has in mind..." was his surprisingly solemn response.
Not quite understanding why Kish was informing her of his companion's plot, and yet sort of getting it (the amorous alien
did tell her he liked her at every opportunity...), Ichigo decided to listen. But she wasn't going to be happy about
it. Crabbily, she asked, "And what does Pai plan?"
Was he... chuckling at her? Ichigo peeked out. Kish was shaking his head, examining her lamp.
"Sor-ry, that I came to save your life." Kish said with a slight sneer, and met her brown-eyed gaze with narrowed
gold and an arched brow. "Pai is coming to kidnap you one by one. Something about a separate and destroy tactic- one that
will slowly break you down until..."
Ichigo sat up in bed, comforter sliding down -
the pink-haired teen looked rather haggard and red-faced. Kish winced slightly at the sight. A silly smile bloomed over Ichigo's
face. "When did Pai get a hold of a Sailor Moon manga?" The out-of-it cat-girl giggled at her own joke as Kish blinked and
brought the other eyebrow up to join the first. Ichigo lolled to the side slightly.
Kish coughed. "Ichigo? Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah..." gruffly responded the swaying teen, looking rather flushed. The goofy grin was still spread out over her features.
Golden eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Do I need to get... uh, a 'doctor'..." What were those physicians called upon this
planet? "Or a 'nurse'... or..." Ichigo sways dangerously to the left, grinning madly. His eyes widened. "-A 'psychologist'
for all I care!" Kish finished. To which Ichigo mutedly responded an 'I'm not crazy,' despite looking like it, swaying
back and forth so.
Ichigo toppled over. Tears leaking from chocolate eyes, the cat-girl whined, "If this were a romance novel, you would have
caught me... Ow, my back..."
Despite the strangeness of the situation, Kish found a smile creeping back onto his face. "If you say so, honey..." He
pulled her up, back onto the messy bed. Ichigo flashed a delirious mega-watt smile, moving her face really close to the green-haired
"Whaddya' want, Kish?"
Though he knew his Ichigo would never intentionally get so close, Kish couldn't help but smirk at his fortune. Were he
some goody-two-shoes like that Masaya-robot-boy Kitten was dating, he would have honorably jerked back and blushed, then tucked
her in, being nauseatingly sweet about it all. Afterwards, he would go find help, like a good little drone.
Unfortunately (for the feverish Ichigo) this was Kish.
Not even attempting to resist the urge, he barely had to tilt his head to press his lips against hers. It was... strange,
kissing an Ichigo who wasn't frozen with fright, nor squirming in protest. Nice, but rather... empty... Because she wasn't
really giving into him willingly- this was another version of a stolen kiss.
He drew back, with a mewlof protest from Ichigo. "That... is what I want." Kish said in a low voice, to her soft sigh.
"Except not when you're deliriously sick."
The strange, foolish grin spread across her face. "Why'd he have to be such a good kisser, anyway?" she wasn't talking
to him, that was obvious. Kish couldn't prevent another smirk. "It's as if I like him... which I can't 'cause he's
the enemy, and I only love Masaya!" Hysterical laughter bubbled up her throat. "Well, he's helping me out now, so it's not
fair for me to hate him!" She nodded to herself.
"Glad to know that, Kitten." A grin flashed over Kish's attractive features, before the current worry overtook them. "I
think it's time we get you some help..." His voice lowered as he gently requested, "Who can do that, Ichigo?"
She was still nodding. "Oh, everything's all... spinning..." the pink-haired girl blathered on, "I should see a doctor...
too bad Kish can't take me. His ears would be a problem... he could wear a hat...a snow cap with ear-flaps... My dad has one.
It's so dorky. Kish would look stupid, too... A bellydancer in a hat like that?" Ichigo laughed at her own joke.
However, Kish wasn't amused. Golden eyes become very large as he searched for the words. "Uh.. I don't.. uh.. think
that I would like.. to go out like that... couldn't you call one of those other Mew Mews? Or something?" More crazy laughs.
"Please, anything but that!"
Ichigo blinked sleepily. "Other Mews? Why? I thought you didn't like it when our time was inter...rupt...ted..." She trailed
off, her eyes rolling back into her head.
"Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay..." Kish dragged out the word for emphasis as he pulled the coverlet over the passed out cat-girl.
A click was heard downstairs in the Momomiya home, then the door opened, and a voice called out, "Ichigo, I'm back!" One
large elfin ear twitched in recognition of the sound. Kish grinned, golden eyes crinkling with the action,
"...I think that now would be a good time to disappear."
And he was gone, leaving only a dreaming Ichigo who probably wouldn't even remember the encounter.
don't like the ending, but unlike last time -swats Kish for being a bad muse- I can't think of a way to continue it!