Someone named Jill was very lucky, the navy-haired teen couldn't help but think. If only he were in a relationship like
that... Brown eyes slipped shut, trying to think about what life would be like...
Unbidden, Kai's face sprung to mind.
Tyson didn't know when he started noticing his captain (After much debate,
the Bladebreakers/G Revolutions decided to stay together) as something more than a friend or a leader, and frankly he wasn't
the obsessive type to care. What mattered was now. But... he didn't know if Kai was gay, never mind interested in HIM,
Tyson the Annoyance...
Opening his eyes, he noticed a rectangle done in varying shades of pinkon
the next page, reading '5 Guy Repellant Rituals', the first being... Shaving each other's ARMPITS?
"Um... Okay... that's weird..." Tyson said aloud.
Someone giggled.
The Champ almost dropped the magazine in surprise.
It was a group of girls, laughing and talking animatedly. They hadn't noticed
him, too engrossed in the large section of romance novels. Breathing a mental sigh of relief, Tyson put the magazine back
where it was and moved towards that 'Teens' Non-Fiction' Section.
Brown eyes skipping over about a hundred self-help books, and one teenage
pregnancy book, a small, yellow paperback caught his eye. 'Is Your Crush Crushing back?'.
Ugh, libraries had too many books about the subject.
Muttering a small, "Why not?", he opened it up. After checking out the one-page
intro that said something about a message board of hopeless girls all chatting about their wonderful, charmed love lives being
the basis, (Bitter, him? Never!) he turned through the pages to find the right quiz (For example, 'Are you clueless about
love?' Well, everyone, including himself, knew that answer...) until -
5. The coolest thing about him is:
a) That mysterious way he has about him.
b) The random stories he tells you whenever you're together
c) All his weird little quirks – like blushing and
tripping over stuff.
Though now feeling the obvious age (and origin) of the book, Tyson decided
on 'A' being most Kai, definitely... The other two sounded more like himself, blushing and rambling on about the dumbest of
things as of late...
Snapping the book shut, the champ flashed a nervous grin at the black-and-gray-haired
teen watching him with wide violet eyes.
"Yeah, Kai?" When did he get back?
"...What... is... that... thing?" Kai asked unsurely.
Tyson feigned innocence. "This?"
Slow nod.
"...Well, I was bored!"
"...right." The Russian turned on his heel, but the champ didn't miss the
blush crossing those striped cheeks.
My-my, what a reaction this was getting...
Tyson's smile turned mischievous. "Hey Kai... Can you check this out for
Then something amazing happened to Kai. It was a rather normal occurrence
in anime, but the violet-eyed Beyblader had always seemed too... dignified - Until now.
Kai had face-fault, also called an 'anime fall', in which he – to put
it simply – toppled over, face connecting with the floor, one or both legs (This case being one) stretched out in an
uncomfortable position above his head.
Tyson tried not to laugh... and failed. Hey, he was Tyson. He laughed when
he laughed, cried when he cried. It was one of his better points, he liked to think...
The Russian tried to brush it off with a simple "Whatever," but his reputation
was forever tarnished.
The Japanese teen smirked in triumph.
That was what Kai got, after all, taking him to the library (Trauma
of traumas).
"You have a crush?"
"...Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe..." Tyson answered evasively, pulse racing at the strangely
angry expression that was overcoming Kai's face... a pulse that was probably pumping more blood into his now 'tomato' red
cheeks. The younger teen slapped his companion on the back. "Come on now, let's go!"
This wasn't the time for love confessions, after all...
Violet eyes widened a fraction more, and then promptly narrowed. "On Hilary?"
Tyson choked. "W-what?" Complete revulsion marred his features. "No way!"
"On who?" Kai persisted, violet eyes flashing dangerously.
Grinning despite the fact that his face probably was reaching the unique
color 'Beetroot', Tyson shook an admonishing finger at his captain. "We-ell, it may not be any of your business..."
One gray brow arched as Kai proceeded to twist his words around, quoting,
"'May'? Then it may be my business."
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe," Tyson said again.
There was a 'thump' sound.
They whipped their heads around to look at the crowd of girls currently staring
at them, slack-jawed and sweating profusely. A romance novel depicting a tenderly embracing couple lay on the ground, having
slipped from one of their hands.
Tyson scratched his head awkwardly. "Uh, Kai, this isn't the place to talk
about this, heh heh."
And they left.
As they beat a hasty retreat, both attempted to block out the high-pitched
"Now, now, let's all be calm..."
As the giant doors swung shut behind them, the cooling-down Tyson turned
to Kai and asked, "Now do you see why I don't like libraries?" He spat the word as if it were a vile medicine.
A still-pink Kai 'hn'ed, handing Tyson his book.
Because, after all, Tyson hadn't finished his quiz...
End One-shot
Heartless: I'm not making that stuff up! The book 'Is Your Crush Crushing Back' is a real book in my library, and that's
really in there. And you can actually get THAT Cosmopolitan too. No rights claimed upon either.
Kai: She's just really unoriginal.
Heartless: ;.; And my name's Heartless? (
Kai: What kind of ending was that?
Heartless: An ending in which I couldn't think of what to do, as I thought
it all up in MY library! Which I love, so don't be angry with me!