Title – Kusakabe's Girl
Author – The Ryuujin
Disclaimer - If I owned Juvenile Orion, it would be longer, and Isshin wouldn't have missed
all book 3. I'd at least draw some sweaty Yi-Xin-in-training scenes to keep readers afloat :D Plus, JO wouldn't have left
off so obscurely! Don't own Frickin A' or Komiyama, either! Can you guess what anime/manga he comes from?
A/N – Ah, was in a weird mood. Sorta, a 'life goes on' theme in this story... one-shot...
Summary – Yi-Xin was on a mission...not to keel over and accept death, which would certainly
be easier than watching Kusakabe and Kirihara... (one-shot)
Pairing - One-sided Yi-Xin/Mana, Mana/Kaname
Yi-Xin Shiba, commonly referred to as 'Isshin' thanks to a certain blond E.G.O., was a redhead Arayashiki
with a mission.
To not keel over and accept death.
Well, maybe he was being over-dramatic...Maybe he should be grateful that he didn’t have the
same classes as his kouhai. Itsuki had mentioned (Offhandedly, once, as was the psychic's nature) that they
could get even more "lovey-dovey" in class. Under Nakaura-sensei's watchful gaze, no less.
Crimson eyes shut in an attempt to block out what that meant, in comparison tothis...this...
It wasn't just as if it interrupted basketball practice, and Yi-Xin certainly wasn't going to begrudge
Kusakabe from having his girlfriend cheer him on. She arrived early, and even if she wasn't the Darklore's girl, being
who she was, the redhead could never turn her away.
"C'mon, Kaname-kun!" applauded Mana Kirihara, beautiful Mind Breaker and Yi-Xin's Master.
"Hey Shiba-sempai!"
For one glorious, heart-stopping second he could imagine it was wide-eyed, gentle Kirihara-san calling
his name, rooting for him, instead of her boyfriend Kusakabe. But no- to compare Mana's softer voice to the
horridtrill that was aimed at him would be a heinous crime. His master's lovely tremor wasn't nearly as high, squeaky and
utterly annoying.
"Komiyama." He replied, duller than intended as he passed a ball to Kusakabe, who shot, made it and
was promptly praised by beloved Kirihara-san.
The squawking underclassman was a loud-mouthed blond with an unnatural laugh and was named... Komiyama.
Yi-Xin never bothered to learn that kouhai's first name, nor did it matter if he did.
"I was wondering if I could turn on the radio! It's rather dull in here with just the pound of basketballs!
Ki-Shi-Shi-Shi!" Komiyama dissolved into laughter at a joke only he understood.
"If you want to..."
Yi-Xin tried to refocus his attention on the game, but the station the kouhai chose was playing a rather
odd song for basketball. It was in English... he could barely get the gist of it.
And what exploded from the small speakers and reverberated across the gymnasium filled Yi-Xin with
a cold sense of dread and panic, as if it were his voice singing those words,
I play along with the charade,
there doesn't seem to be
a reason to change
You know I feel so dirty
when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her,
the point is probably moot
Cuz she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body,
I just know it
he's holding her
in his arms late, late at night
It was eerie, just plain eerie...
You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
can I find a woman like that?
Whipping his head around at the boy, the fiery redhead gave him a glare that might've killed, had glares
been able to really throw daggers. Komiyama turned a pale white, and quickly switched it to another station.
A ball slammed into the back of Arayashiki's head.
Now glaring at the unfortunate individual who's shooting skills left something to be desired, Yi-Xin
once again tried to focus on his game.