Title: A
Hanyou’s Upbringing
Character(s): Inu no Taishou, Iyazoi,
Rating: PG
There was a Demon Lord
He was the greatest fighter
Destroyed all that in his path
Challenged leaders to their death
Then there came a woman
She caught his demon’s eye
Tame that dog she did
And then the second child came
What a healthy little boy
Father went to a war to die
Sad little child never knew his father
Poor little tyke has been fatherless how?
Boy’s all grown up now
Mommy being no more then a corpse
“Oh why did this happen to me?”
Title: Evil
Within a Soul
Character(s): Inuyasha
Notes: I just created it this morning. I was sitting in front of the school library,
pondering what to do until it opened when my eyes fell upon my poetry book. I opened it to the last page I had written on
and stared. Then this popped into my head and I wrote it down. ~*~*~*~
Locked away beneath this skin
There is evil lurking there
If once I show any weakness
That evil will burst out
Upon the unexpecting and fragile world
Death and destruction is its promise
My soul to bare such heavy a burden
That must be destroyed
Love is that destraction
I cannot afford
It will weaken the shields
That hold that Evil within a soul
Title: Accepted Love
Genre(s): Angst / Romance
Sesshoumaru, Kagome
Rating: PG
All right, this is Kagome’s POV. She just realized she had some feelings for Sesshoumaru after seeing him leave, injured
yet again by Inu Yasha. At first she in denial, but soon accepts those feelings.
What is this… this feeling I have?
Why do they call it… call love?
No way, it can’t be… can’t be him!
It is his brother… brother I love?
It is a lie… a lie, but it’s love.
I won’t allow this… this confusing truth.
Okay I admit… admit it’s true.
It is Sesshoumaru… Sesshoumaru I love.