Tyson leaned back against the large oak tree in the park, his eyes closed, enjoying the sounds and smells.
He was alone, sitting peacefully under the shade, but a part of him wanted Kai to be sitting there with him. Tyson sighed and tilted his head upward, allowing the scattered sunlight to warm his face.
"Tyson, what are you doing?" came a voice. Tyson turned his head towards the sound. "Hello Kai!" he said cheerfully.
"Hello yourself," Kai said moving forward.
Tyson felt his boyfriend sit down next to him. "Next time you leave, let someone know or something..." Kai commanded,
leaning back.
Tyson turned to him. "I can look out for myself! I don't need to be looked after..." Tyson grumbled in his
"I didn't mean it that way... Look, I just got worried when I came home and you were... just gone... okay?
And if you remember, that’s how your accident came about. No one knew where you were." Kai snapped, slightly frustrated.
"I'm sorry..." Tyson said, feeling guilty. Kai turned to look at him. Tyson was looking down.
It was true; the fact they didn't know where to start looking for him was the reason he was now blind, trapped
in an eternal darkness.
"No, I'm sorry... it’s already hard enough on you." Tyson felt Kai shift position. "So, what are you
doing out here all by yourself?" Kai asked changing the subject.
"Listening to the colors." Tyson
could almost see the picture of confusion on Kai's face.
"What? Colors don't have sound." Kai said plainly. Tyson shook his head.
"Kai, Kai, Kai, of course colors have sounds!" he smiled.
"Tell me how do they?" Kai asked, looking at Tyson, studying the boy's face.
Tyson took a breath and pointed down the hill, to the small river below. “I hear the river and I think
white and clear blue water and I see it. I see the river.” He paused letting his words sink in. A wind blew over them.
Kai’s cologne wafted over Tyson and it smelled good to him.
“Listen, above, you can hear the wind rustling through the trees. I think of the old bark- its dark
brown color and the deep green and light green leaves. I like imaging in the fall what the park looks like then because there
are so many different colors. The birds that live and sing in the trees... I see it in my mind.”
He looked up then, towards a field where a bunch of kids were playing. “The children’s laughter
completes it.” Tyson said quietly.
“Completes what?” Kai asked, still watching Tyson’s face.
“The picture in my mind... because I hear so many colors, I can paint a picture, so it’s not so
dark anymore.” Tears started to fall from his unseeing eyes. “I don’t like the dark.” he cried.
Kai hugged him. He had no idea how much Tyson had been suffering; his smile hid his pain so well.
Kai dried Tyson’s tears and lifted his chin upwards. “It’s a beautiful picture... and, you
know, I don’t like the dark much either...” Kai smiled and Tyson giggled a bit before hugging his boyfriend back.
“Thank you so much, Kai,” Tyson said, standing up. “We should go home now; the others must
be worried.” He took up his walking stick and made his way down the hill.
Kai followed him, calling, “Tyson!”
Tyson stopped and turned around. “What is it, Kai?” he asked.
“I love you!”
Tyson smiled, “I love you too, Kai.”
Together they walked hand-in-hand out of the park.
I am debating whether or not to keep going or stop here? What should I do?
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Should I continue or not?