Disclaimer: I will never, but I wanna, own any of the Tamora Pierce cast. I do own my characters and sick
and demented mind.
Chapter 10: Yelling Hurts the Ears
I stayed with Diana until she was in a deep slumber. For sure she had pneumonia and will have it for at least tonight and
maybe through tomorrow. But right now I had to inform Lady Kel what happened to both of us today. I can make something up;
it’s not that hard.
I detangle myself from Diana’s arms and got up as quietly as possible. Glancing at the desk, I see that her key is
there and grab it. I then leave the room, shutting the door silently. I walk briskly but with purpose so that no one would
bother me, not like they could anyway. I round the corner and was there, at Kel’s door.
After a moments hesitation I knock on the door. I hear mumbling inside, usually I could hear what was going on, but the
doors in this palace were a little thicker than the ones at mine. After a few moments of waiting, Kel answered the door in
a closed robe. I frown a little, but knew what was going on when Neal stood behind her without a shirt on. All of a sudden
I feel a little awkward.
“Yes? What is it Katsu?”
I shake my head a little to clear it and clear my throat. All right now, foolish youkai, think of something brilliant
to say.
“Um… I’m sorry I wasn’t at practice today.”
Oh that was the best deduction ever! Maybe you should do this for a living. I was seriously confused. Where
did this voice come from and why was it feminine?
“Well, I wasn’t feeling well so I decided to rest, but I’m feeling better now.”
All right, now just think of what to tell her about Diana. You’re smart, you can do it!
“Oh yeah. Uh, Diana is sick. I believe she has come down with pneumonia… er… a cold. I believe she will
feel better either tomorrow or the day after.”
Kel sighed. She seemed really relieved and all of the tension had left her body. Neal smiled a little in thanks and put
his hand on Kel’s shoulder. She looked up at him briefly.
“Thank you Katsu. You don’t know how much that helps us.” She sighed again. “Now we don’t
have to send out a search party. Have a nice night Kastu.”
I smirked as I turned and walked away. They will have a little celebration… uh… party for just the two of them.
Chuckling, I went back to Diana’s room. The key actually worked, I didn’t know why I couldn’t get in earlier.
Oh well.
As soon as I walked in, I heard Diana mumble my name. Smiling to myself, I gently close the door and softly go to her.
I could tell that she was restless and her fever dreams had returned. I lie down on the bed next to her and pull her to me
protectively. I give off the feeling of comfort and protection and she calms down a little. Now that she isn’t moving
around so much, I add some of my healing talents to help her recover a little faster.
I knew that when she awoken when she was healed and saw me there next to her, she would probably kill me. Oh well, a small
price to pay to sleep with her. Too bad she wasn’t in a good condition, because if she was…
My thoughts drifted off as I fell asleep. I guess I had taken her nightmares from her, only to give them to myself. I had
dreams of my father taking her from me and doing horrible things. All I could see was the blood, and feel the pain. They were
so realistic that I actually felt the pain.
I awoke in the morning feeling no more rested than I had when I fell asleep. If anything, I wasn’t rested at all.
Sighing, I slip out of her arms, bed and room without disturbing her and snuck back into my room undetected. Or so I thought.
As soon as I was completely clean, dressed, and had my workout, there was a knock on my door. Warily, I went up to the door
and answered it.
Adianna threw herself at the door so that he couldn’t close it again. Her glare was flamed brightly; I was surprised
that nothing caught on fire under it. I back up and mock bow to her, letting her in. Not only did she storm in, but she brought
the other one in as well. Maelin was a little more polite and nodded her head at me. As soon as both were inside, I shut the
door, suspecting that they wanted no one else to witness what was said. I also placed my magic through the room and in all
corners and cracks so nobody could eavesdrop on what was said.
Thank the gods that I did. The first words out of her mouth were loud enough to wake the dead.
I sighed and rolled my eyes before answering.
“I did nothing to her. She’s the one who did it to herself. I didn’t tell her to run off into
the wilderness when a storm was about to break.”
“Hush Adianna. I’m sorry for her. She gets hotheaded sometimes. Go sit down somewhere.”
Adianna sulked off to a corner where there was a chair, but she never took her eyes off of Kastu. I shifted uncomfortably
under her gaze, but kept my attention on Maelin. She seemed to be the level headed one of the two.
“What she means is, why did you come out of Diana’s room, as if you were sneaking around?”
Nice way to put it bluntly. Haven’t they ever heard of personal business? Now think up of something foolish youkai!
Where’d you come from? You were in there last night, weren’t you?
Predictable, ask it a question and it disappears on you. I hate it when people interfere.
“Diana is sick, I am taking care of her.”
Ooooh, nice, smart one. That’s puttin’ it original.
Who are you?
I decided to ignore the rude loud mouth, and kept my concentration on the voice in my head and Maelin. She seemed like
the sensible one. I swear I could see the vein throbbing on the side of her head and her fists were tightly clenched as her
knuckles quickly turned white.
“Excuse me.”
She took a deep breath and turned around. Grumbling lightly to herself, she walked up to the oblivious Adianna and glared
down at her. Maelin’s eyes blazed demonic red and she bopped Adianna on the head as hard as she could. Adianna’s
eyes glazed over, stunned, for a few seconds before her annoying voice started whining.
“Why did you hit me! That hurt! Why are you always soooooo meeaann!”
“When… will… you… learn to close your mouth. I swear, one of these days you’re going to piss
someone off and I’m not going to be there to cover your ass! You’re going to piss them off so bad that they are
going to beat the crap outta you! Bite your tongue and think before you speak.”
Now her tone wasn’t exactly yelling, but it demanded immediate attention and also to be obeyed. If she used that
tone on me, I probably would have even obeyed her. I was getting a little impatient, so I cracked my neck and back. I guess
the sound brought the bickering two back to reality and they both looked at me.
“I’m sorry, but we have to go.”
I was thoroughly confused now. One minute they want to talk, the next… well… they want to leave. I close my
eyes and take a deep breath, then I push it out of my mind. If you have no clue about it, don’t reflect on it.
I then close my bedroom door and finish getting ready. It didn’t take me that long. At least ten minutes. For me,
that was a new record. Going out of my usual meaner I smile, just a tiny bit, as I leave my room. I guess that smile would
account for the many stares that I got from students, teachers, and servants alike.
That smile didn’t last very long though. Right after breakfast, I had Grammar/ Literature. I did not like that class,
but I was good in it. The only reason was, was that I paid attention.
Oh well, father said to finish this damned place and then I will become a knight of Tortal. He then wants me to report
of what is happening. It seems… almost… as if… he is dealing with Darkness. But he couldn’t…
could he?
Oh, good boy! Now that’s using your brain. Now think of what to do now. Will you just let it slide… or will
you investigate on this little hunch…? It is up to you.
Who are you? And why do you keep talking to me… thinking at me? And why at unknown intervals?
Figures. You always disappear when I ask you questions.
No… I don’t disappear… Just leave. And not all questions.
I sighed. There was no reasoning with this thing. What was it anyway? Thinking a little harder, a thought popped into my
You better not be a god.
I’m not a god. Just be quiet, don’t ask too many questions and listen to what I have to say.
Haku: white
Hanyou: half-breed
Inu: dog
Katana: a type of curved sword that Japanese samurai use, or in this case, Yamani samurai
Kimono: a Japanese outfit that the girls wore
Kobodou: fighting in close combat with weapons
Neko: a cat
Obi: the sash around the middle of the kimono to hold it shut
Sakura: the blossoms of a cherry tree
Sensai: a teacher or tutor
Sensu: a flip fan used in Japan
Youkai: demon
A/N: Okay peoples, here's chapter 10. I'm sorry it took a while, but I got bad grades last semester, so
I'm tryong to but in an effort to get good grades. It might take a while for each chapter to come up. But I promise toget
them up as fast as I can.